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Friday, June 29, 2007


部desktop 終於都搞掂, 唔該晒Leo幫我combine, 而家有新機用~ 爽到爆呀~

今日又有得出trip, 去左一間幼稚園, d 學生要講英文故事比d 幼稚園o既小朋友聽, 仲有教佢地貼d碎紙上一幅圖上面. 之後返學校行到一半, 突然落大雨, 即刻衝去有蓋o既地方, 但係都濕左一半, Damn!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007


星期六同Leo 去黃金買埋其他零件啦~ 又係好重, 都係搭2F返屋企, 之後等到6點幾又出街, 約左班中學同學食飯, 點知去到尖沙咀MTR station 一個人都未見, 咁我就打比其中一個fd 啦~ What the fxxk!!! 原來係星期日, 唔係星期六, 今次真係食屎~ 唉~ 好無耐地搭返MTR 返屋企.

星期日約左Mon and Christa 同黎食lunch, 我部NDSL終於返黎啦~ 不過張super card short jor, 用左4個月就short 左, 黃金d 死奸商實發死, 之前Lisa 姐果張買返黎冇耐就已經short short 地, what the hell~ 晚上同班中學同學一齊食飯, 全部都係中一識o既, 唔經唔覺, 原來我地已經識左11年 , 講下, 食下, 行下, 打下機, 差唔多12點先返到屋企, 返到黎即刻沖番個凍水涼, 爽晒~

yesterday 原本可以combine 好部desktop, 點之我地買錯左機箱, 應該要買大多一個size, 好無奈地放工又要出去黃金, 之後Leo 要去data centre, 因為佢個網有問題, 要去搞搞佢, 今朝返工問佢, 佢話搞到零晨4點幾先返屋企, O 晒咀啦~

Friday, June 22, 2007

New Desktop

Lee 2日, d 學生考完佢地o既 final exam lu~ 小一,二,四同五 o既學生有得去旅行, 但係小三同小六 o既學生就要留o係學校做評估, 真係慘, 考完試都仲要做多次評估, 之前4月先做完一次......=.= 三年級有個好勁o既學生 ---> 峰峰, 佢每次一考試, 都要落去特別室考, final exam 就唔使講要落去啦~ 評估都要落去, 如果唔係, 佢會煩住其他人and 唔比人做考試卷, 真係勁呀!!!

Lisa 姐同Idy 都帶左d 學生去Disneyland, 真係好, 我都好想去........Leo 都有得去.........唉.......... = = 咁所以鄧姑娘就叫我落去同佢一齊睇住峰峰做評估 (唔係應該叫Steffi 睇ga 咩???) 呀峰峰做做下評估就o係度發夢, 有時又講野比鄧姑娘聽, 真係搞野, 做完1份之後, 佢要打機, 咁我就比個website o既 game 佢玩, 玩左一陣, 又係時候考第2份, 佢死都要打機, 跟住就同鄧姑娘鬥氣, 真係笑死我~ 唉~ 鬥完氣佢又好乖咁做, 因為鄧姑娘話唔做就冇機打, 佢只好認命咁去做第2份~ 我比左隻4 wheels o既車 game and 一隻sniper佢玩, 佢玩到勁high, 連續2日媽咪黎左都唔肯走, 佢都得ga la~

今日放工同Leo 去黃金買desktop盒and火牛, 聽日再去買埋其他零件, 星期一 o係學校DIY. 買完之後去搭2F返屋企, at least 等左20 mins 先有bus. Damn!!! 架bus 仲要超多人............= ='' 搭左半個鐘有多先返到屋企..............Super tired la~

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Back hometown lu~

Yesterday was Fang Fang's Birthday. 等我講多次啦~ Happy Birthday~ Last night o岩o岩好12點就打過去perth同佢講, 原來佢地成班人等到12點先切蛋糕, 仲要我o係部mobile帶頭唱生日歌, 真係好搞野lor~ 但係實在太嘈啦, 有時都聽唔到佢地講咩~ 不過都講左15分鐘先收線, 其間同左好多人講, 之後變態nancy話好掛住我................隻腳...................=.= 其實係咪佢好掛住我呢~ haha~ Anyway, 我都好掛住佢呀.

今日~ 佢返去lu~ 以後都唔再返黎, 如果我仲o係度, 唔知佢會唔會走呢~ lee 個係1個 ''謎''. (伸隻手出黎擺個pose先)

大賤人同中賤人又係今日, 去左食KFC, 好想食呀~ 好想食番個bacon and cheese combo + wicked wings + mountain dew.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Element

Finally, the final exam began today. But I am still fxxking busy, because many survey and data entry need to due at the end of the month. Luckily is no need to go to 4A and see that big brother again. Thanks God!!! Amen~

All students finish their first exam at 12:15pm and no students allowed at school after exam, so Leo, Tsang Sir and I decided to go outside have lunch today and we went to Red Stone have our lunch. However, there are many people inside Red Stone and many people waiting outside Red Stone, so we go upstairs to Meguro Sushi. After waiting for 5-10 mins, we finally get inside, I order Stri-fried chicken Udon and milktea + more milk, then I wait for few minutes, the staff suddenly said all the Deep-fried chicken udon sold out today and asked me order the others. Damn!!! Then I order Deep-fried pork Udon. After that, the sucks thing get started, the staff came again and said no milktea today. What the bloody hell!!! Eat Shit la!!! 咩都冇!!! Next time really not to go there during lunch time's weekday.

See any new elments next to my blog? Yes~ there's a cute boy next to my blog? = =v Need to thanks Nick because I browsed his blog just now and I saw his new added entertainment planet. So I use that funny flash next to my blog, you can feed him some food and he will say 好味wa~ or you can feed him some shit, the shit is quite hard to find out~ then he will say 食屎...= =

Sunday, June 10, 2007

1 year lu~

唔經唔覺, 話咁快咁就返左香港1年lu~ lee 一年入面, 做左好多野, 多到自己都數唔晒...... = = 真係好miss aussie o既朋友. 有d 說話, 我真係好想親口同佢講, 不過已經冇機會lu~ 算啦~ 已成過去.

今日同christa 去左新開果間mega box, 都ok 大, 裏面有好多aussie, 仲有間好似target咁大間o既野係澳洲人開ga, 正到爆呀, 好懷念澳洲o既商場, 不過唔係佢o既關門時間, 係裏面o既貨品. 不過入面有好多野都未開, so later 等佢開晒都要去多次. = =v

PS: 大佬, 你好野, 玩埋d咁o既野.

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