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Friday, May 25, 2007

What a ''lucky'' month !

These few weeks were super busy, Mon 姐走左, 佢d野比晒我, 上多一個2b班之餘, 仲有課後check d學生有冇去上功課輔導班, 真係辛苦, 唔去過都唔知Mon姐咁辛苦, winter 還好, summer 就真係........melting.

2b 班果個, 算啦, 唔好講佢, 2c 班果個同佢有得揮呀!!!!!

Last Friday mo la la 副校又叫我去多班1e, that means total 我要去3班 . Luckily, just that day only. Hopefully don't ask me go again, if not, I will die soon.

Yesterday. What a ''lucky'' day, Miss Wong ask me bring the student go for rehearsal in MK. But yesterday is a holiday. What the........ luckily it start at 3-5pm, not in the morning, then a school worker, parents volunteer and I bring the student, after arrive the place, I ask the reception :

Me: We are XXX Primary School, and we will have a rehearsal, do you know where should I go?
Reception Lady: Oh! I have no idea, why don't you go to 2/F's reception and ask?
Me: OK! Thanks

Then I go to 2nd floor, all close, the reception is close, nobody inside. Why leh? Because today is a public holiday. What the bloody hell !!!
After that, I go downstair, One Staff ask me :

Staff: Are they go for rehearsal?
Me: Yes!
Staff: OK! Please come in.

The staff arrange the seat for us and we all sit at the right of the hall, another school is coming, but that one is secondary school, also some organization as well. This is the first rehearsal for Kowloon district. At the beginning, I think I can leave after they finish rehearsal, but cannot lor, I still need to sit beside the student. Sigh~

The nightmare start, we need to sing and dance for the songs. What? Dance????? Oh~ Shit!!! 2 P.6 student also think it is very silly, and they said they cannot imagine, what a silly thing, better quit it. I also think this is silly la, then I said to them, I also wanna die.

This rehearsal last for 2 hrs, and we sing and dance for 2 hrs............ I have flu and sore throat, so I just copy the degree of the lip - rounding and pretend inhalation. 要我唱, 彩你都傻呀! = =v Then a MC ask some student go up onto the platform and ask them to show how they sing and dance, 班學生係咁叫阿sir阿sir阿sir x 5. Then i said : student only, 真係好彩冇上到去~ 因為有staff o係度拍video.

Finally, It is finish~ Thx God~~~Sigh~~~And we go back to school.

PS: I saw a pretty gal in that secondary school ar~ 真係好掂~ 應該F.4 or F.5 ~ hahahahaha~

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